January 27th Game Night here at the building come for dinner at 6:00 and stay to play games until ? ALL AGES.
February 4th Groups 1 and 3 will meet at Hank and Bonnie's house for a spaghetti dinner. Details later.
February 4th Groups 2 and 4 will meet at Adrian and Jean's house at 6:00 for a baked potato supper.
Adrian and Jean will supply the potatoes and you bring the toppings. Sign-up list in the foyer.
February 12th Jr and Sr. Sunday will be hosted by Danny and Martha Davis and Donna
February 14th Senior Citizens Luncheon 11:00 here at the building.
February 15th Secret Sisters will be hosted by Jennifer Shively in her home at 7:00 pm All the ladies are welcome.
There is a Bible class for all new converts
conducted every Sunday morning. The class is on the lower hall, 3rd door on the right and Vernon Wilder
is your teacher. Our elders encourage all new members of the congregation to attend.
